• Victor Narro has been involved with immigrant rights and labor issues for over 30 years. Currently Victor is Project Director for the UCLA Center for Labor Research and Education (UCLA Labor Center) and Professor for the UCLA Labor and Workplace Studies Minor. He is also a Lecturer In Law for UCLA School of Law. Victor is co-editor of Working for Justice: The L.A. Model of Organizing and Advocacy (Cornell University Press, 2010); coauthor of Undocumented and Unafraid: Tam Tran, Cinthya Felix, and the Immigrant Youth Movement. (UCLA Center for Labor Research and Education, 2012); and author of Living Peace: Connecting Your Spiritualitywith Your Work for Justice (CreateSpace Publication, 2014). Victor is happily married to Laureen Lazarovici, a long time labor activist and journalist.

  • Victor Narro is a lifelong abor and immigrant rights activist who believes there is a spiritual core within social justice activism from which we can deepen our solidarity with each other. We can strengthen, our inter-connection and deepen our compassion.

    The work for justice is filled with the values often attributed to spirituality – love, compassion, empathy for those in need, and a lifetime commitment to bring justice into their lives. His books and his work call us to integrate that inner spiritual core into our work to make the struggle for justice more compassionate, fulfilling, caring, and sustainable.

    To be an activist for justice is to love humanity and all of creation.

  • Victor's charming children's book, Jimmy's Car Wash Adventure/La Aventura de Jaime En El Autolavado tells two important stories. First, the carwash workers who labor under dangerous conditions for little pay and no labor rights stand up for their rights. And second, a little boy shows his father where true solidarity lies: with the workers. An inspiring story for young and old.